Fee: $125 / student
Helpful Information:
- Head Coach Tim Jennings (bcacoachjennings@gmail.com)
- Open to 5th-12th grade boys
- Please reach out to Athletic Coordinator Allison Rudd (arudd@bereanchristianacademy.org) if this fee prohibits you from participating.
- Updated 24/25 school year physicals will need to be on file with Nurse Evans prior to the first practice. Email physicals to nurse@bereanchristianacademy.org
- The BAND app will be used for communication and will make sure all who are registered are invited to the Football group.
- Practice schedule dates are currently on the school Athletic Calendar - please note dates are subject to edit/changes.
- Dates will run February 27th - April 17th
- Practices will take place on Thursdays 3:30-4:30p
- This will include flag football drills along with strength and conditioning training.
Flag Football Fundamentals