Fee: $200 / student
Helpful Information:
- Head Coach Tim Jennings (bcacoachjennings@gmail.com)
- Open to 7th-12th grade boys
- Please reach out to Athletic Coordinator Allison Rudd (arudd@bereanchristianacademy.org) if this fee prohibits you from participating.
- Updated 24/25 school year physicals will need to be on file with Nurse Evans prior to the first practice. Email physicals to bevans@bereanchristianacademy.org
- The BAND app will be used for communication and will make sure all who are registered are invited to the Football group.
- Practice schedule dates are currently on the school Athletic Calendar - please note dates are subject to edit/changes.
- Dates will run February 24th - April 17th
- Practices will take place on Mondays and Thursdays 3:30-4:30p.
- This will be a no pads introduction to tackle football. We will be focusing on strength and conditioning as it pertains particularly to tackle football, along with learning the basics of tackling drills.
Tackle Football Fundamentals