A Classical Christian School
“Now the Bereans were more noble than those in Thessalonica; they received the word with all eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see if these things were so.” ACTS 17:11
Praise Dance Team
Dates: Tuesdays, Feb 25 - May 6
Time: 3:15 - 4:15 PM
Cost: $260 new members, $200 returning members
Open to girls 6th through 12th grade
Maximum number of girls: 10
This team is a performance-based team fostering a passion for dance, teamwork, leadership, and praising God through dance! Enjoy time working on dance techniques, team building, mentorship, prayer partners and more! Cost includes a t-shirt, jacket, and performance costume!
Please contact Melissa Martensen to sign up at or (630) 251-2712
Junior Praise Dance Team
Dates: Tuesdays, Jan 21 - April 15
Time: 3:00 - 4:00 PM
Open to girls 2nd - 5th grade
Cost: $260 new members, $200 returning members
Maximum number of girls: 10
This team is a performance-based team fostering a passion for dance, teamwork, and praising God through dance! Enjoy time working on dance technique, team building, mentorship, prayer partners, and more! Cost includes t-shirt, jacket and performance costume!
Please contact Melissa Martensen to sign up at or (630) 251-2712